Author - Katie

Everything Else

Come on now buddy…

I just have to share this photo with you. As I was driving to work the other day, I spotted this car in front of me at a red light, and I had to snap a photo...

My Style

How many is too many?

Blog friends, I have a question for you. I actually posed it on Twitter a week or two ago, and there was quite a bit of discussion brought up over it.
How many...

Pets and other animals

Safari Sunday

I thought I’d share a few more animal friends with you on this lovely Saturday. Some giraffes, zebras, and even an elephant…

You can see more...

My Style

Not exactly stars and stripes

So, my 4th of July outfit wasn’t exactly red, white, and blue. Heck, there weren’t any stars or stripes involved either. I guess you could call me...

Pets and other animals

Feathered Friday

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have some wonderful plans in store for the holiday weekend. In the meantime, I thought I’d share some brightly colored...

Everything Else


Dear Grocery Store Bagger –
I like you, I really do. You are usually an adorable little old man who wants to chat me up as you push my cart of groceries...

Tampa Area Restaurants

Pizza Fusion

Do you ever notice yourself getting stuck in a restaurant rut? What I mean is: do you tend to patronize the same restaurants over and over again? I have to...

Pets and other animals

Furbaby Friday

Let’s start the weekend on an adorable note, shall we?
This little guy goes by the name of Cosmo, and he belongs to my brother and sister-in-law and...

Food + Drink Sweets

Chocolate Pixies

Confession: I’m a chocoholic. That probably doesn’t come as a surprise, but it’s true. I just thought you should know. Eating a rich...

Beverages Food + Drink

Bonefish Martini

If you follow me on Twitter, you might have noticed that I check in at Bonefish Grill on a pretty regular basis. What can I say? I really enjoy going out to...

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