Here’s a random debate for your Friday…I find it to be pretty polarizing in some cases.
Kraft blue box macaroni and cheese….or Velveeta shells and cheese?
I think that the answer to the question for many people typically goes back to childhood. Which variety did your parents feed you as a kid? I think a preference for one of the two brands forms in the early stages of life. It did in my case, at least!
For me, there is nothing better than Kraft mac n’ cheese from the blue box. I don’t want shells and cheese…I don’t even want the fancy homemade/gourmet variety (which can be delicious, but I can only eat a few bites because it’s usually so rich tasting) – just give me the classic, please! Well, classic for ME…
So I’m interested: which macaroni and cheese do YOU love most? Do you think the preference formed in your youth?
Definitely the blue box!! It is my ultimate comfort food!
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese all the way. When I was younger, I loved it with hotdogs . . . I know, super healthy 😉
Totally a Kraft girl. Agree the fancy stuff doesn’t even come close (except possibly some lobster mac n’ cheese at some restaurants.. but I think I still prefer Kraft). Andy has converted me to like the spirals the best though, when I used to be an original girl all the way.
Kraft, for sure!
I’m going to say Kraft … but I have a weird reason as to why. I don’t like cheese, so if given the option to not eat Mac ‘n Cheese, I wouldn’t. But if it is the only option, then blue box because to me, it’s less cheesy than the Velveeta stuff.
Kraft all the way!!! That is my childhood in a box!
I LOVE Kraft. I used to go to Texas Roadhouse just so I could order it off the kids menu. I always prefer Kraft over a fancy or from scratch version.
I am weird. We always had shells & cheese growing up, but now I prefer blue box. Or orange box – I love Annie’s organic!
Neither, actually (I don’t eat dairy). But, the hubs loves Back to Nature’s Mac & Cheese.
Velveeta cheese shells are good but nothing beats good ol’ KD. Some of my fondest childhood memories are having KD for lunch at my friend’s house.
Kraft Three Cheese with the shells is my all-time favorite 🙂
I’m a total butthole that will only eat homemade! If I HAVE to eat boxed, I eat Annie’s (for g/f purposes) but otherwise – it’s all homemade, all the time, baby.
Kraft! But I live in Ontario, Canada and here they call it Kraft Dinner (KD) 🙂
Um, heck yes! I had Kraft Macaroni and Cheese for dinner last night. I had to actually pre-emptively put some of it away to make sure that I didn’t eat the entire box. LOVE.