Since Halloween just ended, it’s now time to start thinking about Thanksgiving….and Christmas! I can hardly believe it.
As you might recall, we recently purchased a pretty flocked Christmas tree for this year. When it arrived, Justin and I set it up in the place in our apartment where we’ll display it:
The one thing that stood out to me is the picture we have up on the wall behind it. Lemons/lemonade and Christmas aren’t really two things that go together…in my opinion. So I pondered the situation for a bit and came up with a great solution! RueLaLa was having a flash sale on photo canvases…and I thought it would be a great opportunity to replace the lemonade print with a Christmas themed one! I snagged a 30×40 inch canvas (the lemonade print is 40×40, so it is almost the same size), and now I have to decide which photo to print on it!
So…we thought the perfect photo would involve Lucia…and some Christmas themed hats. She was such a good model; she sat nicely for most of the photo-taking. I edited the photos, and now I can’t decide on my favorite. Perhaps you’d agree with me: it’s hard to pick!
Ok friends: help me out – which photo do YOU like? I have a personal favorite, but I think I’ll be utilizing an alternate or two for our Christmas card this year!
My favorites are 4 and 1!
that’s ridiculously cute and such a great idea!
I love number 4.
I like #1!
I like number 4!!
#4 is my favorite!
OMG those are so cute. No.1 is definitely the best!
Too cute! Numbers 1 and 4 are my favorite.
1,4and 6 – but they are all sweet!
Such a cute idea. I wish Murphy would sit still for 2 seconds so I could even get one good photo. Love #4 the crossed legs are so cute.
#4 and #6, Lucia is soooo sweet!
Definitely #5 or #6!
FOUR OR FIVE! #4 or #5!
#4 for sure! Such a patient doggie. 😉
#1 and #5
I like 1, 5, and 6! 6 is my favorite I think.
4 or 6 for sure
1 or 2 since they are the only ones w/o carpet in them and thus look more purposefully painted as opposed to the ones with carpet which just scream, “I’m actually a photograph that’s been doctored!”
#6!! They’re all adorable though!
I love 3 & 6, but they are all super cute!
I like #6 – they are all cute…
Another way to disguise pictures at the holidays is to wrap them in pretty paper and a big bow – Christmas packages on the wall …
Number 5! So cute!!
This is seriously an amazing idea, I love it! #4 and #6 are my favorites =)
Number 6, that is too cute!!
#5 or #6 are my picks!
I love these! Number 1 and Number 4 are my favorites 🙂
Your post has reminded me to get on the ball with my Christmas cards… I need to hit up Walgreens this weekend!
xo Teresa