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Garden Haul

This year is the second year we’ve had our little garden plot in our backyard. Last spring was a learning experience as we planted heirloom tomatoes, peppers, basil, and rosemary. It wasn’t a huge selection of items, but we wanted to start small to see if we could manage tending to it all! In the fall, we transitioned over to lettuce, arugula, and onions, which were all a treat to have.

garden herbs and vegetables
Now – our spring crop is starting to produce, and we are thoroughly enjoying the vegetables and herbs! It’s so much fun to head out to the backyard with a big bowl and be able to fill it with items to include with dinner.

fresh cherry tomatoes
We planted two different cherry tomato plants this year (we learned our lesson after last year when we were overrun with tomato vines). I also began growing some rainbow carrots: they aren’t ready to pick yet, but I’ve got my eye on them (can’t wait!). We have two new pepper plants this spring as well. They are just now starting to flower, so hopefully we will be enjoying them soon. The brussels sprouts we planted in the winter are almost ready, but I’m getting worried that I planted them a little too late and the Florida heat will get to them. Learning experience. We’ll see how they turn out. I’m still thinking positive thoughts since our temperatures have been relatively cool up until now.

purple green and yellow beans
What I was incredibly surprised about is the abundance of beans we’ve had! I sowed green, yellow, and purple beans and they are exploding from the vines right now. I just wish the purple beans kept their color; they turn green when you cook them. But how pretty are they when they’re fresh?

fresh basil
And oh my goodness: the basil! I have quite a few plants growing right now in our stair planter and I recently cut them all down to make pesto. That recipe is soon to come, so stay tuned (we ate some last night and I am surprised that there is any leftover).

Do you have a garden? What are you planting right now?


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