Grilling season – I’m all about it! I know that living in Florida means that I can grill pretty much year-round (oh, who am I kidding? I CAN grill...
Tag - vegetables
Bring on the lighter holiday fare! On Sunday, I shared a recipe for fresh and easy honey ginger glazed carrots. They’re a super easy side dish for the...
Leading a healthy and fit lifestyle is definitely something I strive for in my household. Not only is exercise/staying active an important element of our week...
This year is the second year we’ve had our little garden plot in our backyard. Last spring was a learning experience as we planted heirloom tomatoes...
Today, I wanted to take a moment to share a side dish recipe that I tried out recently. As much as I love rice, eating a large bowl of it is not always...
Amy is also known as Mrs. Pretzel on Weddingbee. She’s currently navigating newlywed life at Parker Haus Roles where she blogs a mash-up of home renovation...
There is just something so incredibly comforting about soup. The warmth, the veggies, and the leftovers are all contributing factors to why I make soup so...