Everything Else

Through the Night

I didn’t expect so many of you to share my stomach sleeping habits when I shared them yesterday. Perhaps there is a correlation between being a blogger and being a stomach sleeper? I’m probably imagining things. So, yesterday’s discussion on sleeping positions got me thinking about other sleep-related topics.

This could probably be a sign that I’m getting old. I just thought that it wouldn’t kick in for many more years down the road. And now I’m curious if I happen to be the only person who has this issue.

I can’t sleep through the night.

It has been this way for a couple of years now. It isn’t insomnia; it isn’t because I can’t sleep. It isn’t because the bed is uncomfortable. I just have this little quirk; some time between 3 and 4 am, my body wakes me up. Without fail, I’ll reach my arm over to my iPhone to check the time only to find that I still have 2 or more hours before I have to wake up. I get up, go to the bathroom, pet Lucia for a minute, check my email on my iPhone, and then crawl back into bed. I never have trouble falling back asleep (thankfully). It’s just puzzling to me that I can’t seem to sleep through the night without this little break. Every once in a while I’ll have a successful break-free night, but it is a rarity.

So now I’m curious: do you sleep straight through the night, or do you wake up at points?


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  • Nope. I can’t sleep through the night. I usually wake up at about 3. Then I’m up again–for good–between 5 and 6 usually. It’s rare that I can sleep longer than 6.

  • Nope, I have the same problem! But luckily, I also can go right back to sleep. Honestly as annoying as it can be for me, I am also glad when I see I get a few more hours to sleep before having to wake up

  • I would say I wake up once during the night about 50% of the time. I also check my multiple email account, Facebook, Twitter, and then go back to sleep. Haha!

  • I can’t sleep through the night either! I think us smart ladies have too much on our minds (as always), but thankfully have no problems going back to sleep!

    • Oh I think that might have something to do with it! I am constantly thinking about things…perhaps I wake myself up…

  • I used to wake up three or four times every night. It got really bad before our wedding. A friend recommended Melatonin, and I started taking 1mg every night. It has definitely helped.

  • That is so weird! For the past couple of years, without fail, I have been waking up between 3-4, it used to be exactly 3:30am but now it’s just around that time. Also a stomach sleeper 🙂

  • Ha! I wish I would wake up, maybe then I wouldn’t wake up every morning around 7am dying to go to the loo! I have to rush into the bathroom every time, and I’m so groggy when I wake up too, I wish I was an early riser, it would make getting to work on time sooo much easier!

  • I am a very sensitive sleeper, but usually did not have trouble sleeping through the night until I got pregnant, when I started to suffer from all sorts of sleep problems from insomnia to waking up suddenly and having trouble falling back to sleep even if I was dead tired. I have since started taking Unisom at the recommendation of my doctor and it’s helped tremendously.

    I think that if you don’t have trouble going back to sleep, and if you feel like you’re not any more tired from these wakings, you don’t have much to worry about. 🙂

  • I’m probably the heaviest sleeper ever. I sleep like a rock. Solid. Through the night. 😛 Only wake up if nature calls!

  • I almost always wake up between 30 minutes to an hour before my alarm goes off! It’s never at the same time, but I always wake up sometime during the night.

  • OMG, this is totally me. I’m sick obsessed with checking my iPhone, and it’s most definitely because of blogging. During middle-of-the-night bathroom breaks, I’ve been known to check email, Twitter, and even Instagram sometimes. This is an unfortunate side effect of social media. There is actually a clinical term for it, though I can’t remember it.

    But I blame this up-in-the-middle-of-the-night on my husband. Our relationship began as a long-distance (international) romance. So back when I had a BlackBerry, and he was on the other side of the world, 14 hours ahead, I stopped sleeping through the night. My mind was always thinking about listening for a text or an email from him, so I never fully relaxed. That started my unhealthy smartphone obsession. Simultaneously, my blog really cranked up, and then I got an iPhone and that was it.

    Sorry for writing a book, I just totally identify!

    PS: Thanks for stopping by G&G!

    • Oh man, I am so glad to know I’m not alone! I definitely check Twitter, Instagram, and my email when I wake up at night. Not that many people are tweeting at 3am…haha! I’ve only had my iPhone for a little over a year, and ever since I got it, it has pretty much been surgically attached to my hand. I recently made the decision to put away my laptop when my husband gets home from work (which is quite the feat), but I can’t quit the iPhone. Thank goodness he puts up with me! 😉

  • Yep, I wake up at least once a night. Generally I get up to go to the bathroom around 2, and then I may wake up again around 5. I always go right back to sleep, but the nights I sleep through the night without waking up at all are so nice! I always check my phone (and sometimes twitter) if I wake up. Unfortunately that sometimes gets my brain going, but I can’t help it!

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