Today, I just want to take a minute to make a confession about a strange habit of mine.
I like to call myself the “candy organizer.” This habit is one of those strange little quirks that I absolutely can’t explain.
I don’t know why I’m compelled to do it, but if I am eating a candy that features multiple colors (Skittles, M&Ms, jellybeans, etc.) I absolutely HAVE to eat them in a certain order. It drives Justin insane; I slap his hand away from the candy bag if he tries to snatch one out before I make a tally of how many of each color there are. Luckily, I have a few pictures on file that illustrate my strange neurosis…
First, I line up each of the candies according to color. Usually, my favorite flavor is always at the back and least favorite in the front. Any “extras” are set to the side (or in the case of this picture, in the front). I HAVE to eat those first before moving on to the rest of the candy. Then, I work my way through the lines from right to left. With the jelly beans, I’d eat one yellow, then green, then red, then purple…and repeat. The pink would get incorporated as soon as I got to that point in the line, but not before!!! If Justin wants to eat some of the jelly beans, I HAVE to give him one of each color…I can’t compromise the integrity of my evenly organized candy lines!
See – I do it with my Tootsie Rolls too. It’s ridiculous, I tell you. And seriously: WHY can’t the people at the candy company just put an equal amount of each color in a bag? Why, I ask you!??!?!
So tell me: does anyone else out there have this same quirk? Please say I’m not alone!
I used to be obsessive about that when I was a kid! I don’t do it so much anymore, but I still feel the compulsion sometimes! 🙂
i do the same exact thing! my worst is with gummy bears. i line them by color and then i have to eat them head first.
Haha I love that you bite the heads off first!
i feel like it spares them the agony of going into my mouth. i am a weird child.
I do that too…but when I eat them I eat them in the color/flavor groups from least to most favorite, that way the last thing I taste is my favorite :). I do it with MnMs too…not sure why since the colors have nothing to do with the flavors lol
Ah, so you eat…say…all the orange ones first, then all the lemons, then the limes…etc…instead of switching it up color by color. I am always tempted to do that!
What would you do with Jelly Belly jelly beans where there are tons of flavors?! I definitely don’t do this, but I’ve heard of other people doing it, so you aren’t alone
Hm… I have no idea! I’m not really a fan of Jelly Belly beans so I haven’t run into that problem with them! Usually it’s just with candy that is about 5-6 flavors or so, so they’re not too hard to organize!
I totally do this, but mostly with M&Ms. Sometimes with those real fruit gummies, I line them up as well. If I eat trail mix, or party mix, I like to dump it all out and prepare piles so that I get a little bit of each thing in a pile. Since it’s really the only super neurotic thing I do, I don’t bust my chops too much about it and allow this one little idiosyncrasy 🙂 Glad I’m not the only one.
I do this if we are the bottom so that I can get a fair amount of my favorite color/flavor, and say if it is Starburst and there are 5 left I will give my husband three of a flavor I do not like so I can have two of one I do like!
I do that, especially with Skittles. I have to eat them in groups of three. So I will sort by color and then into groups of three (mixing my least favorite flavors, so I’m not eating three green ones at once…but three reds is optimal).
I am crazy about tis. M&ms, skittles, you name it. Don’t start me w/ the fridge. If only my closet could be so organized.
My mother would say that this is ridiculous and something that people do “just to be different” but she doesn’t understand! I do it with m & ms but not anything else… Weird!