Hello! I am Sarah joining you from Licorice and Olives. I am so happy to be guest blogging here at Ruffles and Truffles!
Almost no one that I know travels as much as I do, I am on a plane at least twice a week, if not more often and I wanted to throw out some travel tips for fashion and beauty and practicality that I absolutely cannot live without when I am on the plane. I thought this post would coincide nicely considering Katie’s long trip ahead!
Pashmina – If you are going on a plane and you don’t have one of these bad boys, go out and grab one now. They are indispensible. Planes are almost always cold, they usually keep the temperature at around 20 degrees Celsius (70F), but they never have enough blankets. Your pashmina can be wrapped around your shoulders, draped over your knees (yes, Grandma style) or even laid down like a blanket if you want to nod off for a snooze. You can get a good one here at Zara (its basically a stylish blanket).
Layer – For those times when your pashmina cant quite do the trick, planes are almost always cold, but for that one time you wear a turtleneck jumper with nothing underneath, you can guarantee it will be stifflingly hot!
Lip Balm and Moisturizer – For the same reasons that planes are cold, they are also dry; it is all the recirculated air they have to pump around the plane. So, as a little tip when I am traveling, I go with Elizabeth Arden’s 8 hour cream on long haul flights (over 6 hours) and I use the undiluted cream on my cuticles and my lips, then mix it with my regular moisturizer. I also use the dermalogica Multi-active toner to spritz throughout the flight – note don’t do this if you are sitting particularly close to the next passenger, they will probably get annoyed.
H2O – I don’t necessarily bring this on board with me, but I always make sure to drink plenty of it, especially on long haul flights! The airline guidelines are for crew members to drink 1 glass every half an hour. I admit, I usually try and guzzle a litre or two the morning before my flight but it is really important to continuously rehydrate!
Toothbrush and toothpaste – I absolutely cannot go to bed without brushing my teeth, so why any different on the plane?
Nasal Spray – just saline (salt water) but it is really handy to make you not feel like you have a cave of crusty boogers in your nose when you step off a 14 hour flight! It also helps keep the nasal passages hydrated if you have trouble equalizing your ears on descent.
Here are my on board item essentials! Which, coincidentally, are all in one place considering I just got back from Madrid, Spain (which is actually very close to the furthest I could possibly travel)! From Sydney, Australia it is a 7.5 hour flight to Singapore, then a 14 hour flight to London, followed by another 2.5 hours to Madrid. A total of 24 hours on the plane which works out to about 30 hours when you consider the layovers!
There are a few other essentials in there – passport, my beloved kindle, a very old iPod will all of the Harry Potter books loaded onto it and of course a pen for all those immigration documents!
What are your in-flight essentials?
I always bring a pashmina too! One of my essentials is definitely lipstick. I like to spruce up a bit when arriving at my destination.
Good tip! I always have one in my handbag but hardly ever wear it!
Such good tips!! I don’t know if I could stand being in planes so often, but I suppose you get used to it! I hate feeling like planes completely dry me out, so I might have to pick up the products you mentioned!
You definitely get used to it and have a little routine and lots of little tips that help with hydration!
Great tips! Especially now… Im sure we are traveling somewhere this holiday season to meet up with family and friends, so what a perfect time to post this 🙂
xo Teresa