Everything Else

Happy Friday!

It seems like everyone is talking about how cool the weather is getting lately. I’m here to let you know that, at least in Florida, it is still pretty darn hot and humid.

I’m a little jealous that some of you are able to break out the cold-weather clothing at this point…but then I remember that I’m still able to go to the beach in September. And October. And…maybe through part of November.

How can you not love going here on the weekends?

What are you up to this weekend? I hope you have some wonderful plans!


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  • Dont be jealous; over in Scotland its totally getting much colder now and its just going to get worse (bear in mind it was snowing 2 days before my wedding in APRIL this year!)

    We went to Florida last Nov / Dec and we were on the beach at venice the first week, not swimming in the sea but stil on the beach!

    We are going again this year but only to Orlando so lets hope its still warm in December!

  • I agree! It’s still hot and humid here in Fla! I can’t wait for it to cool down and wear cold weather clothes! But nothing beats the beach 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  • I complain ALL WINTER LONG (mostly just Jan and Feb are miserable) but really, I would miss the seasons if I was in FL!!!

    Remind me of that when I get my car stuck in my own driveway due to snow again.

  • You are SO CUTE! Also, I need to do some squats and stop eating crap. Can you write about spaghetti squash on here?

    I’m back in Ohio this weekend and it’s freaking cold. Not a fan. It’s still pretty warm in DC, part of the reason we wanted to move a bit more south. We’ll still have seasons, but nothing like what I went through in Cleveland. Josh’s parents are going down to Sarasota in a few weeks and I’m insanely jealous. Enjoy the beach weather for as long as you can!!

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