Everything Else

Everything Else

Stomach Sleeper

I’ve been thinking about my sleeping position recently. Every night, I crawl into bed and assume the same position: I lay on my stomach with my arms...

Everything Else

Happy Anniversary!

I probably should win the award for worst daughter ever. Yesterday, my parents celebrated their wedding anniversary. I knew the day was coming up, and I...

Everything Else

On Routines

Routines: I have them. I am, without a doubt, a creature of habit. Case in point – I eat the same breakfast every single morning. I’m not...

Everything Else

Who you gonna call?

I feel compelled to share this with you because it perplexes me on a daily basis. Behold: the Ghostbuster mobile:

Someone who works in my office complex...

Everything Else

Love is: the beach

It’s a little bit on the gloomy side in my neck of the woods today. Starting my week in the rain is never the way I want to begin! So, I’m going to...

Everything Else

Come on now buddy…

I just have to share this photo with you. As I was driving to work the other day, I spotted this car in front of me at a red light, and I had to snap a photo...

Everything Else


Dear Grocery Store Bagger –
I like you, I really do. You are usually an adorable little old man who wants to chat me up as you push my cart of groceries...

Everything Else

I was a little bit mean

On Wednesday night, I may or may not have been a little bit mean. I think I was justified, but I guess I’ll let you be the judge.
The time was roughly...

Everything Else

A First Anniversary Weekend

 As you might have noticed, last weekend marked one year of marriage for Justin and me. As much as I would have loved to take a weekend trip away, it just...

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